Trips Explore

Presidio Clement Walk 2009-12-02 8.5 km5.3 mi 2h:11m 33 photos

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Walk around the Presidio Golf Course

Presidio YWalk 091125 2009-11-25 9.9 km6.2 mi 2h:13m 16 photos

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Walk to Golden Gate Yacht Club then followed the YWalk until Golden Gate Bridge.

Presidio YWalk 091113 2009-11-13 5.9 km3.7 mi 1h:37m 27 photos

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Walk to view the new Presidio Cemetery Overlook.   Led by Susie.

Veterans Day YWalk 2009-11-11 4.2 km2.6 mi 1h:10m 5 photos

New Cemetery Overlook Ceremony New Cemetery Overlook Ceremony Y Walkers coming down the hill Y Walkers coming down the hill Map

Tried to walk through the Presidio National Cemetery on Veterans Day.   Normally one would expect music and speeches but there was apparently a ceremony at the new Cemetery Overlook.   Security was tight and we were kept away twice.   Once from within the cemetery and the second time when we approached through the woods.   The Overlook sits on the Bay Ridge Trail.Hike led by Bryan.

YWalk 2009-10-23 6.6 km4.1 mi 1h:31m 19 photos

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Led by Susie.

Presidio Walk 091016 2009-10-16 11.5 km7.2 mi 1h:59m 20 photos

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Missed YWalkers.   Very foggy during walk but cleared up at the end.

Presidio Walk 091014 2009-10-14 5.1 km3.2 mi 1h:19m 17 photos

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For some reason the YWalk was canceled due to weather.   So I just went on my own.  It was a little overcast but never rained.   I decided to see the wet trees from the record storm the day before.   Unfortunately, the Eucalyptus Tree left wet bark, leaves and branches everywhere.

Land's End Coast Trail 2009-09-15 3.8 km2.4 mi 0h:55m 16 photos

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This is a Trail Keepers Report.

Marin 3B Hike 2009-09-09 13 km8.1 mi 5h:16m 50 photos

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Wednesday Marin 3B Hike from Bootjack led by Eva.

Friday Y-Walk 090828 2009-08-28 5.4 km3.3 mi 1h:22m 18 photos

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Y-Walk led by Susie.

Marin 3B Hike 090826 2009-08-26 19 km11.8 mi 5h:47m 10 photos

Bald Nob DSCN3217 DSCN3223 Oak in an Oak Map

Wednesday Marin 3B Hike led by BeeBee

Land's End Coast Trail 2009-08-10 3 km1.9 mi 0h:52m 15 photos


Test of Vibram Five Finger Foot Glove for bare-foot hiking.   Short hike on coast trail.This is a trailkeepers report.

Low Tide Palo Alto Baylands 2009-08-05 9.2 km5.7 mi 0h:56m 18 photos

Exposed Bay Mud Exposed Bay Mud Exposed Bay Mud Digging out the Algae Map

The purpose of this bike trip was to test a new AMOD AGL3080 since my QSTARZ BT-Q1000P stopped working.   After passing under the Lefkowitz underpass under 101 and ran into tens of Russian nursing home residents walking on the pathway.   Apparently, it was walk time at the nearby Hillhouse and I had no idea that a retirement home had replaced the Stanford Intellectual Property licensing offices.

Castle Rock Loop 2009-07-28 8.2 km5.1 mi 2h:39m 134 photos

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Standard Castle Rock Loop but the GPS failed to log for about an hour.   It was hot, mid 80's, with less than a dozen people on the trails.   No campers at the Castle Rock Campgrounds but I could hear gun fire and semi-automatic weapons fire from the Los Gatos Shooting Range next to the campsite.

Downtown Palo Alto Walk 2009-07-24 4.5 km2.8 mi 1h:02m 42 photos

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This walk started at Waverley and University in Palo Alto but for some reason the beginning of the track is gone and then goes haywire in the parking structure on Alma.   In any case, this walk consisted in going up and down the streets in Palo Alto while waiting for someone at the Waverley Surgery Center.   The physician was late and then left before getting to the patient.

Sunset Bike Ride to the Baylands 2009-07-23 4.7 km2.9 mi 0h:34m 20 photos

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Bike Ride in search of the sunset from JLS Middle School to the Baylands.

Start earlier.

Marin 090722 Hike 2009-07-22 13.1 km8.1 mi 3h:05m 30 photos

DSCN0641 Top of the Dip Sea Trail Angel Island and SF Bay Dipsea Trail Map

Wednesday 2B Hike.   Mitch was supposed to lead this but he got a last minute modeling job.   Edna led.   Short walk on the Dipsea Trail to Cardiac Hill.   Noodling around looking for a view before lunch and a look at the Lone Pine Spring.   (Oddly named because it was deep in the woods.)Then we lost the rest of the group.   The seven left came back on the Ben Johnson trail to Muir Woods.

Trailkeeper - Crissy Field Promenade 2009-07-17 1.8 km1.1 mi 0h:24m 6 photos

Keepers House and Fort Point Fort Point DSCN0314 Golden Gate Bridge in Fog Map

This is a trailkeeper report.   Heavy Fog.  Light Use.

Sutro Baths 2009-07-13 0.8 km0.5 mi 0h:26m 15 photos

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Short Walk to Sutro Baths during low tide.   Climbed on a rock which is only accessible during low tide.

Batteries to Bluffs Trail 2009-07-11 1.9 km1.2 mi 0h:40m 28 photos

Angelica _MG_7999 Trailkeepers Golden Gate Bridge in Fog Map

Orientation Hike for the GGNCP trailkeeper program.

Statistics Charts

Alex Woo Alex Woo
Trips 84
Photos 3737
Total distance 10711 km6655 mi
Max distance 7948 km4939 mi
Avg distance 128 km79 mi
Total duration 10 days 4h:53m
Max duration 22h:16m
Avg duration 2h:54m

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