Preliminary DiscussionThe West Coast Trail (WCT) trip has been several years in the making, although Sicilian and I are both getting reasonably seasoned at our annual hike now, the main driver for the WCT at this point in time was Fury who now lives on the West Coast and had this trip as a kind of bucket list item.
Западный берег Ладожского озера, недалеко от поселка Запорожское и деревни Пятиречье.
One of the most gorgeous walks one can make through the glorious landscape of the Flores Island.
Have lunch or diner at the restaurant O Pescador. Remember that climbing is easier and less dangerous than descending, so prefer starting the track in Fajã Grande and finishing it in Ponta Delgada.
Le Tombeau du Géant (The Giant's Tomb), is so named because one of the bends in the Semois at this point seems to enclose a coffin of gigantic proportions. This hike doesn't go around the tomb, as the usual hike, but goes through. At the highest altitude inside the tomb, an esoteric pyramid can be found without too much explanation regarding the reason for its location.
A moderate long and steep route to Mauchele Alm (1830m). Start from Zaunhof Moosbrücke (1266m) and follow the signs uphill the paved road. After some switchbacks you will reach Rehwald. From there the road goes over into a dirt road. It's about 400m up in elevation from this point. The road is in some sections very steep and long stretches are in the sun so keep that in mind.
Апт - Камарг - Апт. Однодневная поездка в природный заповедник Камарг (Camargue), где обитают знаменитые белые лошади, черные быки, розовые фламинго, а также бобры, и множество разнообразных и разноцветных пернатых.
A long and moderate hike to the Taschachhaus. You first have to take the Rifflsee Bergbahn to the Rifflsee. From here you will take the Fuldaer Höhenweg all the way until you reach the Taschachhaus. It's about 8.8km to the Hütte. About 1.5km before you reach the Hütte you have to make a moderate detour because a recent landslide destroyed a big part of the old route.
Однодневная поездка на автомобиле по красивейшим местам Прованса. Начальная и конечная точка - небольшой городок Апт (Apt) в центре национального парка Люберон (Parc naturel régional du Luberon).
A very difficult and dangerous hike to Mittelberg. The trail to the Mittagskogel is not that hard, it's the part from the Mittagskogel to Mittelberg that is very difficult. The hike to the Mittagskogel is very rewarding when you reach the summit; you'll be rewarded with a 360° view of the surrounding mountains and glaciers.
A scenic loop that takes you to the Plodersee. The first part is relatively easy, it just follows the Rifflsee until you get at the junction with the Riffelsee loop (left) and to the Plodersee (right). From here the path gets harder, both from the moderate and constant ascent and from the uneven terrain; the path is full of little and large rocks.