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Peter Rathmann Peter Rathmann West Glacier 2015-07-21 3.5 km2.2 mi 1h:26m 21 photos

Wildflower field at the pass At Logan Pass Map

Continuing our Jasper - Missoula ride, we ride over the Going-to-the-Sun road from St. Mary to Apgar campgrounds. I was driving the support vehicle today so the track only shows some riding around Apgar while some of the pictures were taken on the drive.

Peter Rathmann Peter Rathmann Glacier National Park 2015-07-20 56.9 km35.4 mi 5h:57m 56 photos


Rest day on our Jasper - Missoula ride at the St. Mary campground. Since I would be driving the support vehicle the next day, I rode up to the Logan Pass summit today.

Agnieszka i Piotr Ł Agnieszka i Piotr Ł Na mecz i z powrotem 2015-07-19 18.2 km11.3 mi 1h:33m 5 photos

Bardzo efektowne wejście. Bardzo efektowne wejście. Map

Wyciągnęłam Małżonka na debiutancki mecz gdańskich Wikingów w II lidze. Jak było?
- przegraliśmy z Dragonami z Zielonej Góry,
- przemokliśmy do suchej nitki,
- odmroziłam sobie dupsko (a mam spore i nie jest tak łatwo je odmrozić),
- Wikingowie nawet nie podziękowali niedobitkom kibiców za doping.

Karol Szklarski Karol Szklarski Zamek w Łańcucie 2015-07-13 2.6 km1.6 mi 1h:24m 12 photos


Było z grubsza po drodze z Komańczy do Kielc. Mam mieszane uczucia - to całkiem fajny park, tylko nic w nim nie wolno, a wszystko kosztuje. Jeśli ktoś ma po drodze to warto zajrzeć, ale żeby tam specjalnie jechać to niekoniecznie.

Peter Rathmann Peter Rathmann Lake Louise - Banff 2015-07-13 74 km46 mi 5h:05m 33 photos

Bear on the train tracks Head of black bear hidden in bushes Leaving Lake Louise village area Electrified bear protection at Lake Louise campsite Map

Fourth day of our Jasper to Missoula ride. Today we rode from Lake Louise to Banff, explored the town and surroundings, and then returned to our campsite at Castle Mountain Junction.

Bruce Bridges Bruce Bridges Baan Doi Pui to Doi Pui summit circular Hike 2015-07-12 9.7 km6.1 mi 5h:06m 19 photos

meant to take a photo of the flower and screwed up the focus. Some steep climbs. View of Doi Inthanon Map

A really fun, hike with good group from the Doi Pui mountain village up to the peak of Doi Suthep and around to the village from another direction. We had steep climbs, lots of leeches as well as heavy rain and enjoyed every minute.

The hike was a loop but I failed to turn off my tracking which explains the leg at the bottom of the map.

Peter Rathmann Peter Rathmann Icefields Parkway - Lake Louise 2015-07-12 64.4 km40 mi 4h:03m 47 photos


Third day of our Jasper - Missoula ride. Today we continued south on the Icefields Parkway from Waterfowl Lake to Lake Louise. After touring the village we went on a short hike to the Tea House on Lake Agnes.

Karol Szklarski Karol Szklarski Połonina Wetlińska, schronisko Chatka Puchatka 2015-07-11 6.3 km3.9 mi 4h:35m 27 photos

Wdrapujemy się Początek szlaku Map

Wejście z dziećmi szlakiem żółtym z parkingu na szczyt, około 400 metrów przewyższenia i 3 km po szlaku. Z małym kryzysem po drodze, ale udało się. Aż się chciało pójść dalej szczytami, ale cóż, trzeba wracać na dół.

Peter Rathmann Peter Rathmann Jasper - Icefields Parkway 2015-07-11 91.2 km56.7 mi 7h:44m 76 photos


Second day of our Jasper to Missoula bike tour. Today we rode from the Jonas Creek campground to the one at Waterfowl Lake, passing the Skywalk and Icefields Discovery Center along the way.

Peter Rathmann Peter Rathmann Jasper National Park 2015-07-10 72.3 km44.9 mi 4h:41m 33 photos


First day of a bike tour from Jasper, Alberta to Missoula, Montana. Today's ride took us south from the campground outside Jasper along the Icefields Parkway to Jonas Creek campground.