Najprostsza trasa czerwonym szlakiem motławskim. Ani jednej chmurki i lekki wiatr w plecy. W sam raz na pierwszą dłuższą wycieczkę w tym roku, a trzeba się rozćwiczyć przed Kaszeberundą.
Quite a few other hikers taking advantage of the sunny April day. We felt lucky to have found a place to park. The track shows only the way up. My phone ran out of battery on the trip back down. A nice hike with Roxane and a great view at the top. Here’s a panoramic from the summit: .
A fast paced trip down the ICW from the inlet to Washington Oaks Gardens with the Florida Sea Kayak Meetup --- FSK-Me. By timing the tides we took advantage of the push to be able to do this nearly 20 miles. Along the way we saw many dolphins and sea turtles.
Statné stromy, kříže a konečně i slunce. To byla šestá etapa.
Met up with my daughter for a long over due paddle in the second Tampico I picked up so she could paddle in a longer faster boat. Day started out gray with some sprinkles. Current was very strong making for some work to reach the springs. As always we lost count on the number of turtles and birds. Saw about 7 gators. No monkeys at all this trip.
Valley Spokesmen club ride starting from Shannon Center in Dublin and heading south through Sunol to the Regional Park. Along the way we stopped to enjoy some of the wildflower varieties blooming at this time.
Club ride by the Feather Pedals group of the Valley Spokesmen. Today's ride was the final in a series of conditioning rides leading up to the Cinderella Classic next Saturday. This was a shorter ride in the Livermore area followed by a celebration lunch (and cupcakes) downtown.
Outing of the East Bay Casual Hikers starting at the Elworthy Staging area off the new KB housing development and heading quickly up to and along the Las Trampas Ridge. We then did a short loop taking the Del Amigo trail to Sulphur Springs which reconnected us to the Las Trampas Ridge trail.
Valley Spokesmen club ride starting from the Crank-2 bicycle shop in Pleasanton and heading south to Sunol and Calaveras Rd. Most of us just went to the first summit before the reservoir, but some continued to the 'wall' near the southern edge of the reservoir.
Group ride starting from Shannon Center in Dublin and heading south to Sunol and then on Calaveras to the park turn-off. Our return took us along Sunol-Pleasanton rd and back to Dublin via the BART station.