Twee-daagse rondwandeling bestaande uit stukjes van:
LAW 4 (06) Ravenswaaij - Lienden
SP 13 (03) Wijk bij Duurstede - Valkenheide
SP 13 (04) Valkenheide - Veenendaal-West
Ride by the Feather Pedals group of the Valley Spokesmen club. Today's ride was the 12th in a series of conditioning rides leading up to the Cinderella Classic in early April. Starting at the Pleasanton BART station we headed south to Sunol and then up and back on Kilkare Rd. before continuing out to the Calaveras Reservoir.
Outing of the East Bay Casual Hikers starting at the Don Castro Recreation Area in Castro Valley and heading through the 5 Canyons area into Garin Park.
Met up with a couple of snowbirds from Michigan selling a Hurricane Tampico! Now I have two! Took a quick paddle around Crystal River to the springs and such. One manatee was around, hundreds of people searching for the last of the winter tenants. Personally, too developed and crowded.
Valley Spokesmen club ride starting at the Bollinger Canyon Park&Ride lot and heading out Camino Tassajara to Finley School before turning around at the end of the paved road. Our return took us through the Lawrence Rd. cut-through to Japonica in the Windemere development and we then took Bollinger Canyon to Old Ranch and back to the start.
Prezentace páté etapy, při které jsem mimo jiné prošel středem Česka. Pro mě etapa z těch nezapomenutelných.
11th in a series of conditioning rides by the Feather Pedals group of the Valley Spokesmen club leading up to the Cinderella Classic ride in early April. Today's ride started at the Pleasanton BART station and headed south through Pleasanton and then around the outskirts of Livermore with stops at Starbucks on Vineyard and Vasco.
Outing of the East Bay Casual Hikers starting at the east end of the Del Valle Reservoir and hiking into the Ohlone Wilderness to Murietta Falls. The falls only run for a fairly short period after a rain, so this trip was planned following the storms of the previous weekend.
With a short window of time to paddle, Peter and I chose to do only Little Lake but once there it was so nice to be on the water we extended the trip by following the inlet and then the outlet before finishing up. A beautiful sunny day. It seemed odd that only a few weeks before we had been skating on 6+ inches of ice on the same lake.
Valley Spokesmen club ride by the Feather Pedals group as part of a series of conditioning rides leading up to the Cinderella Classic in early April. Today's ride was shortened due to forecast rain in the afternoon. We started at the Pleasanton BART station and headed out to Livermore before looping south of town and through the Kalthof vineyard area (sometimes called 'Tuscany').