East Bay Casual Hikers outing to the summit of Mission Peak on a full moon night to see the sunset and moonrise. Unfortunately the latter was hidden by clouds but we did have a nice hike and view of the sun setting from the top.
Outing of the East Bay Casual Hikers starting at the Vollmer Peak trailhead by the Steam Train in Tilden Park. Our route was along the Vollmer Peak Trail, Grizzly Peak Trail, cross over Grizzly Peak Blvd, UCs Upper Jordan Trail, Panorama Trail, with a stop to rest/snack at the bay overview.
Valley Spokesmen club ride from Martinez to Davis. Starting at the Amtrak station in Martinez we crossed the bridge into Benicia and continued through Fairfield, Vacaville (refreshment stop), and Dixon to the Amtrak station in Davis. We then boarded the train with our bikes (hooks are located in some of the cars) for the ride back to the start.
Valley Spokesmen club ride starting at Shannon Center in Dublin and heading south to Sunol. Our return took us through downtown Pleasanton and the Dublin BART station.
Valley Spokesmen club ride starting from Shannon Center in Dublin and heading over Dublin Grade to Castro Valley, then over Redwood and Pinehurst to Moraga before stopping for refreshments at Theater Square in Orinda. Our return was through Lafayette, Alamo, and Danville.
Valley Spokesmen club ride held on odd-numbered Fridays starting at San Ramon Central Park and using various routes. Today we headed up to the Las Trampas staging area at the end of Bollinger Canyon Rd. before coming back down and riding up the Blvd. to Cherubini's in Alamo.
After seeing so much about this story book location, I got the chance to visit during my business trip. Much thanks to my friend Omurden. I arrived in Schipol airport at 5:30 am, and took the 6:58 train to Bussum. a quick shower and nap and I was ready to travel to Geithoorn. About 1.
Tym razem postanowiłem pojechać tam gdzie mnie jeszcze nie było - po zachodniej stronie wzdłuż Wisły. Czyli formalnie Kociewie, ale pełne żuławskich Mennonitów i budowli hydrotechnicznych, przynajmniej w części wycieczki wzdłuż Wisły.
Z racji tego że pierwszy raz tam byłem, to trochę błądziłem miejscami i czasem trzeba było wracać kawałek.
Out-and-back hike in the Grand Canyon starting at Bright Angel campground at the bottom and heading up North Kaibab trail along Bright Angel Creek to Ribbon Falls.
Also see short video of the falls at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyPMyLkvaNY
The moss-covered dome under the falls is made of travertine formed by calcium carbonate deposits left by the falling water over the years.
Backpacking trip from the south rim of the Grand Canyon down the South Kaibab trail from the trailhead near Yaki Point to the Bright Angel campground and Phantom Ranch.