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Alex Woo Alex Woo Mt. Tallac Climb 2008-08-21 16.8 km10.4 mi 7h:39m 74 photos

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GPS logger retained the initial position from Angora Ridge where I was the day before.   Hike started from shortcut behind Stanford Sierra Camp and we did not fly from Angora Ridge to the mid-Tallac trail.

If you hold a Nikon P5000 with one hand, it\'s possible for the palm of your right hand to accidentally depress the exposure compensation button and then add +2 stops to the exposure.

phantomjock phantomjock Breckenridge, Colorado - Georgia Pass 2008-08-19 109 km67.7 mi 5h:54m 9 photos

4Lunch in Breck. 2Riding the Ridge. 3More Ridge Riding. 1Georgia Pass. Map

Looking for the perfect loop on the KDX 200. From Breck up Swan River to Georgia Pass, across the ridge, and back down to the Swan River. Unfortunate, I was stymied as you can tell from the track. I ran into a section that I wouldn't even take a tank into. (Found a rental jeep nearby that was severely stuck.

Steve Hazlehurst Steve Hazlehurst 15th August Friday 2008-08-15 128.7 km80 mi 10h:05m 16 photos

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The last day of the trip. We rode south from Napa to San Francisco to return the rental motorcycle to Eaglerider. The Goldwing was 100% reliable and very comfortable, but I could not get used to the weight, lack of power and poor luggage capacity compared to my Yamaha FJR1300.

Steve Hazlehurst Steve Hazlehurst 14th August Thursday 2008-08-14 70.3 km43.7 mi 9h:32m 9 photos

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A day off from motorcycling, to do the tourist visits. A guided tour of some of the Napa Valley wineries.   Really well organised.  We chose a tour bus, so we could drink.   The Vineyards charge $10-$20 for the tasting, 5-6 half glasses of wine.   I was surprised that each vineyard grew many different types of grape.    Bobbie doesn't care much for red, so I often drank hers.

Steve Hazlehurst Steve Hazlehurst 13th August Wednesday 2008-08-13 261.2 km162.3 mi 7h:46m 22 photos

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My planned tour was complete, with a couple of days to spare.   So a trip to Napa / Sanoma, to drink some wine, and spend a day not motorcycliing.

Steve Hazlehurst Steve Hazlehurst 12th August Tuesday 2008-08-12 326.6 km203 mi 9h:14m 19 photos

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A cruise down the coast, with Lunch at Alice's Restaurant. An experience as the local sherrif and deputy ate there, the sherriff was called to deal with a fallen motorcyclist half way through their lunch. Sherrif stopped eating and waited for the sherrif. The food was OK. We saw a recover vehicle dragging the bike out of the hillside as we left.Santa Cruz is a great place to visit.

Steve Hazlehurst Steve Hazlehurst 11th August Monday 2008-08-11 284.2 km176.6 mi 9h:22m 23 photos

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The coast road, down to Gualala.   A really nice town on the coast.   Dinner in a restaurant overlooking the Pacific.  An early stop, and a stroll down to the Pacific.

Steve Hazlehurst Steve Hazlehurst California 10th Day Sunday 2008-08-10 517.5 km321.6 mi 7h:39m 8 photos

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SMOKE! At times so much it was a little difficult to breath. Pilot cars in some areas. A pick-up with red lights that led cars through the worst areas. Small tent towns where the firemen slept.After Hayfork the air cleared, but it was then HOT!

Check the news for fire details, as some roads may be closed, or difficult to pass through.

Steve Hazlehurst Steve Hazlehurst 9th August Saturday 2008-08-09 416.3 km258.7 mi 7h:19m 14 photos

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A great days motorcycling. The roads are real motorcyle roads.   Lassen was an OK visit.   It became hot as the day progressed.   With a lot of trees, and some smoke,  and little views, so not many photographs.Yreka was a real nice town,  'real america' to a tourist.  A real nice Best Western in the middle of town.

Steve Hazlehurst Steve Hazlehurst 8th August Friday 2008-08-08 455.9 km283.3 mi 6h:43m 16 photos

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North up the I395, and the temperature starts to become bearable. It's still very clear and sunny, but only in the 90's! It's BIG here, with little else but road and scenery.From empty roads, and little else to Lake Tahoe, which was crowded, with crowded roads, and slow traffic.