Since parking at the trailhead was $10 per vehicle, we decided to park at the church in town and walk to the trailhead. While Tara and I were waiting for Anthony, Arianne, and Kevin (they missed the exit), we decided to play around on this nifty playground toy.Anyway, on our third or fourth spin, Tara scraped her knee pretty good. Off to a great start.This hike came recommended by a cousin.
My wife and I have just started hiking in preparation for a Machu Picchu trip next May (2012). We thought this was a beginner-to-intermediate trail, so we did the loop trail to Blue Ridge. It was a lot more strenuous than we expected, but maybe we're just out of shape. We'll try this one again once we've trained some more.
I did the classic Moore's Knob Loop with a diversion around the shore of Hanging Rock Lake. The park is celebrating its 75th anniversary, so I went along to join the festivities. I doubled back through the campground to find the trail and continued the loop. Trip Writeup at Two-Heel Drive.
A small walk though a beautiful garden, one the most beautiful gardens in Portugal, actually. Before the walk, a breakfast in the Piriquita, Sintra.
Avoid Sundays, if you can. The garden has a QR-Code based tree guide and free wi-fi. Take a small snack and make a picnic on the grass below the palace.
Preliminary Discussion
Planning for the annual trip this year surrounded possibly
doing the WCT primarily, however due to various conflicts and other things that
cropped up this was deemed not doable this year. So a more local destination was decided upon.
We went from Chugchián to the lake by "Camioneta". We walked down to the lake from the border of the crater then back up. After that we followed the trail back to Chugchilán (Google maps call it Chucchilán, go figure). This is a very nice scenery area and it is not a difficult hike. Highly recommended.
The "camioneta" costs $25 per ride, not per person. You can arrange it with you hostel.
A sunset walk through the old trail between Fajãzinha and Fajã Grande. Destination: Casa da Vigia, Monica Binda's restaurant, the best restaurant in the island.
Do stop for a meal at Monica Binda's Casa da Vigia. It is not cheap, but it is worthwhile.
A diving boat trip to Gruta do Galo, with it's beautiful waterfall, and to Ilhéu do Garajau. Nice views, both above and underwater.
Choose Carlos, from the Hotel Ocidental, as your skipper and diving guide.
For a stake activity, the Curtises took several of us on a hike up the Pahvant Narrows in Richfield, UT. We parked the low-clearance vehicles near the freeway and carpooled to the base of the hill. We then hiked along the road until we passed the waterfall, then we dropped down into the canyon.
One of the most beautiful walks you can make starting from Aldeia da Cuada. Unfortunately, the municipality of Lages continues its slow but steady work of destroying the beauty of the place. Enjoy it while it survives.
Avoid working hours. You will pass a noisy stone crushing mill along the way.