Valley Spokesmen club ride held at a casual pace on Monday and Thursday mornings starting from the Dublin location of Livermore Cyclery and using assorted routes. Today we headed down Foothill to Sunol and returned on Pleasanton-Sunol road and through the Pleasanton BART station.
Headed out on Six Mile Creek with my godson Alex today. We put in at Outback Crab Shack and headed out into Palmo Cove where we found the remains of a pirate ship!
We then headed back up the creek and found a fellow who landed in a amphibious ultralight aircraft. He stopped just to fish.
W Wąchocku powstała fabryka filiżanek dla leworęcznych. Mają uszko z lewej strony.
Dziś nie na ilość a na jakość. Najpierw Wąchock, który słynie z dowcipów, opactwa Cystersów i sztabu powstania styczniowego (1863 przeciwko ruskim). Dowcipy Wąchock obrócił na własną korzyść i stworzył aleję z wmurowanymi dowcipami i pomnik sołtysa.
62. Schynige Platte - Faulhorn - First
Valley Spokesmen club ride starting from Heather Farm in Walnut Creek and heading over to Moraga and then over Pinehurst and Redwood rds. into Castro Valley. Our return was over Dublin grade and then north through San Ramon, Danville, and Alamo. The route shown here is a bit different since I rode from home in San Ramon and joined the ride at Tice Valley and Olympic.
36. Eiger Trail
37. Jungfrau Eiger Walk: Eigergletscher - Kleine Scheidegg
Outing of the Tuesday U-turn hiking group. We did a couple loops through the Kennedy Grove Recreation Area followed by a mainly out-and-back route along the south shore of the San Pablo Reservoir.
Royal Walk: Männlichen – Männlichengipfel – Männlichen
Aussicht «par excellence»
Panoramaweg: Männlichen – Kleine Scheidegg
Abwechslungsreiche Wanderung mit toller Aussicht und Begegnungen mit Murmeltieren
Von Grindelwald First bis Grosse Scheidegg
Valley Spokesmen club ride starting from the former Crank-2 location in south Pleasanton and heading out to Sunol and then Niles Canyon to Palomares Rd. After climbing Palomares, we continued on Palo Verde to Dublin Canyon Rd. and back into Pleasanton.