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Rick Jarvis Rick Jarvis Rio Añasco - MayagüezPR with Larry 2017-01-11 7.4 km4.6 mi 2h:00m 9 photos


Ocean to rough to kayak so we grabbed a canoe and headed to a nearby river. Wildlife was limited to birds and iguanas. As big as they were, nearly 5 feet long, they would perch at the end of the branches. Occasionally we spooked them and they would fall out of the trees.

Peter Rathmann Peter Rathmann Redwood Park Stream Trail hike 2017-01-04 10.5 km6.5 mi 2h:47m 13 photos

Start from the Canyon Meadow staging area Map

Hike with Wilma's Wednesday Hikers on a day with rain forecast. Switched the planned hike to the Stream Trail to minimize mud and potential slips we thought we might encounter in the originally planned Leona Canyon.

Peter Rathmann Peter Rathmann New Year's Ride to Mt. Diablo summit 2017-01-01 66.1 km41.1 mi 4h:24m 12 photos

Short stop at the Junction Ranger Station Start from downtown Danville next to the RR Museum Map

Traditional Valley Spokesmen club ride on New Years Day - ride from Danville to the top of Mt. Diablo. The track here also includes my ride to/from the start from my home in San Ramon.

Peter Rathmann Peter Rathmann Danville - Happy Valley - Orinda loop ride 2016-12-31 71.3 km44.3 mi 4h:12m 10 photos

More of the artwork Cafe Teatro refreshment stop at Orinda Library Starting from the Sycamore Ave. Park&Ride Map

Valley Spokesmen club ride starting from the Sycamore Ave. Park&Ride in Danville and heading up to Lafayette and Orinda via Happy Valley. After a refreshment stop at the Orinda Library the main group continued up Camino Pablo to Bear Creek Rd. and returned via Happy Valley. I came back the less hilly way on the St. Stephen's trail to Lafayette and back along the Blvd.

Peter Rathmann Peter Rathmann Shannon Center to Castro Valley and Cull Canyon 2016-12-30 69.8 km43.4 mi 4h:31m 8 photos

Summit of Dublin Blvd. at Schaefer Ranch Map

Valley Spokesmen club ride starting from Shannon Center in Dublin and heading over Schaefer Ranch into Castro Valley. We then rode out Cull Canyon to the end before returning and climbing Crow and Norris Canyon Rds. back to San Ramon. Track also includes my ride from home and some errands on the way back.

Peter Rathmann Peter Rathmann King Canyon loop hike 2016-12-29 10.9 km6.8 mi 2h:43m 18 photos

Blue Heron Starting from the Valle Vista Staging Area Map

East Bay Casual Hikers outing together with 'Trail Gail' of East Bay Regional Parks starting from the Valle Vista staging area outside Moraga and taking the King Canyon loop along the north shore of the Upper San Leandro Reservoir.

Peter Rathmann Peter Rathmann Shannon Center to Sunol and Kilkare 2016-12-27 58.6 km36.4 mi 3h:52m 7 photos

Foothill Blvd. Start from  Shannon Center Map

Valley Spokesmen club ride starting from Shannon Center in Dublin and heading south to Sunol. We then did an out-and-back climb to the end of Kilkare Rd. before returning on Pleasanton-Sunol Rd. with a stop at Peet's Coffee on Hopyard and Valley along the way. From there we rode through the BART station into Dublin and back to the start.

Peter Rathmann Peter Rathmann Diablo Vista Park - Livermore Christmas Ride 2016-12-25 65 km40.4 mi 3h:09m 4 photos

Iron Horse trail Mobius strip arch in Dublin Refreshment stop at Starbucks on Vineyard Map

Valley Spokesmen club ride starting from Diablo Vista Park in Danville and heading to Livermore via Camino Tassajara, Highland, Carneal, Manning, and N. Livermore Aves. We rode south through town and stopped at the Starbucks on Vineyard before returning on Valley, Hopyard, and the Iron Horse trail.

Peter Rathmann Peter Rathmann San Ramon - Alamo - Dublin 2016-12-21 45.5 km28.3 mi 3h:44m 6 photos

Regroup at top of hill in Blackhawk Rest stop in Oak Hill Park Map

Valley Spokesmen club ride starting from Heather Farm park in Walnut Creek. I rode from home to meet them on Stone Valley in Alamo and rode with them through Blackhawk and south into San Ramon.

Peter Rathmann Peter Rathmann Pleasanton - 'Calaveras Wall' 2016-12-18 63.7 km39.6 mi 3h:25m 7 photos

Regroup at 1st summit on Calaveras Start at former Crank-2 in Raley shopping center Map

Valley Spokesmen club ride starting from the Raley shopping center at the south end of Pleasanton and heading south to Sunol and then out Calaveras Rd. past the reservoir. Some opted to continue up Felter Rd. to the summit, but the rest of us turned around at the top of the 'Wall'.