Spring Trip to Tim River

Date 2012-04-27
Distance 26.7 km16.6 mi
Duration 6h:54m
Photos 0

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Spring camping trip for the Trout opener on Rosebury Lake.  On this short canoe trip there were 6 all together.  Bax, Bush, MulderX, Wiley, Texas and YOK. Not much to talk about on this trip other than....Cold.  It was very cold on both days, however it did give me a chance to really see how cold my regular equipment could go. In the end it was -8 on Friday night and only -2 on Satruday night (which is strange since it was supposed to be -11).  @-2 I was reasonably comfortable, but @-8 my feet were freezing.  Need to carry a few extra items next time I get into that cold an environment.  

Dress warmly :-)
