Big Moor and three and a half edges

Date 2012-06-20
Distance 15.7 km9.8 mi
Duration 8h:18m
Photos 100

Map Explore


Chart (Mouse wheel zooms in)


Not a playground for the adrenalin addict , or a challenge for those who value the moors solely as an adventure course extension of a gym . But anyone with a yen for history , subtle geological differences , ecology and rarer fauna will find much of interest . Big Moor is true moorland , in many ways more fascinating than the higher spreads to the north , and despite the proximity of major traffic routes , isolation and quietness are easily found . So also are bogs , purple moor-grass tussocks , potentially tricky stream crossings , and bad weather navigational problems too , so you have been warned .There are no easy paths between Curbar/Froggatt and White Edges on the return leg .The choice is usually between very wet low ground , and less wet but more arduous going on the higher ground .

The moor is home to an important adder population .
