Bleaklow and Two Rivers

Date 2013-05-01
Distance 16.5 km10.3 mi
Duration 9h:41m
Photos 95

Map Explore


Chart (Mouse wheel zooms in)


A beautiful first day of May , the weather held and didn't cloud over too much , and the heather was short . There is little else to say .The colours are a bit sombre  this year , and spring still a little tentative  . Plenty of wildlife around though , and the dawn chorus was deafening .

There are no great problems with this route , but be aware that the fences in the Westend valley use barbed wire . In particular , as you approach Ravens Clough  , you will see a fence across the whole valley . The only stile across is on on the path half-way up the hillside to the left , and I advise using it ....As always , the Westend can be a killer in spate , and be cautious of it after heavy rain - particularly when walking alone .
