53 miles

Date 2011-07-16
Distance 84.7 km52.6 mi
Duration 6h:01m
Photos 23

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Chart (Mouse wheel zooms in)


Today's trip was a personal best of 53 miles. An amazing ride that included two rivers and heat. Highlights:1) 53 miles - Loved it all. The last 8 were a killer, though. 2) The Accident - I had just climbed the hill in Broadway Bluffs and heard a tremendous smash and, hand to God, thought I was about to get hit. I turned around and saw the remnents of a pickup truck that slammed into a light post. I stopped, ensured he was out of the car and went on. Someone called 911 in a car behind him. 3) 141 - As much as I loved it last time, it sucked so hard this time. The hills between Clayton and Big Bend were the toughest I have ever done. 4) Marshall Road - A few of the guys at work listened to me prattle on about conquering the hill. I even went as far to pull it up on the presentation screen and show them in Google Maps. lol It went awesome. Right up the hill. 5) Gus' Pretzels - Ugh. I stopped my route to detour to Gus' for the pretzel dogs. Waited in line, got half way through and read they only take cash. I didn't have any. lol6) Tower Grove Park - Forest Park is where I hang out, but it was enjoyable going to Tower Grove. I didn't realize it was that big. 7) Water - According to Cassie I consumed 182 ounces of water on the trip. I bring this up only to show A) Nursing is paying off for us and B) I usually don't drink water on the trips, but this time I did. It made a huge difference. As I told Missy, now that 50 miles is finished I'd like to move to more destination based rides. She then sort of challenged me to go further, but ......
