First real ride with new bike

Date 2012-05-13
Distance 45.9 km28.5 mi
Duration 3h:05m
Photos 15

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Chart (Mouse wheel zooms in)


Fantastic first trip of the year. 30 miles, though I was only expecting to do 15. Some highlights:1) New Bike: The new bike works great. It is a true mountain bike hybrid, so it rides a little slower, but I never worried about the terrain.  2) City Trails: The city has a trail system that is like Grant's Trail. I am unsure on the length, but the part I rode on was great. 3) Longer: The ride was way longer than I expected. The plan was to go down Grant's Trail then come back Lindbergh. I felt so good after the trail, I just went into the city.4) Lost: I got "lost" twice. Once in the city when I had no idea where the trails went and then in Webster. Webster is horrible with the side streets and I ended up losing my place when trying to cut through to Berry Road.5) Padded shorts: They work, but don't wear cotton underwear with them. Enough said. The ride was great since the temp and humidity were low. I consider 30 to be a mid length ride and average for what I am hopping to do this year. 
