Sunset Camp to Waddell Creek Beach

Date 2009-03-17
Distance 13.2 km8.2 mi
Duration 4h:10m
Photos 82

Map Explore


Chart (Mouse wheel zooms in)


This trip occurred on two days.   The beginning is just the water run before dinner to pump water out below the nearby falls.   The next day was the real hike out of Big Basin to the Pacific Ocean, though we didn't touch the beach. Mostly this was the Berry Creek Trail and the multiple waterfalls on it. The Falls were spectacular though dark even though there is very little water in the creek.
We met our favorite Park Ranger at Horse Camp.   She sold the trip leader his permit and asked if he'd been backpacking recently.   When told no, she told him to stay on the trails and follow the path he wrote on the permit so it would be easier to find us when we needed help!    She came to check on us to make sure we were out so she didn't have to call in help to get us :-)

It\'s mostly downhill.   But it\'s disappointing that the final road has a locked gate or the car could be a lot closer.
