A Walk on the West Side

Date 2012-10-26
Distance 11.4 km7.1 mi
Duration 6h:21m
Photos 95

Map Explore


Chart (Mouse wheel zooms in)


An outing largely on well-trodden paths , and pretty straightforward in winter weathers , darkness etc etc. Or perfect for those summer half-days . And not much up and down either . I must be feeling my age .To be fair , the forecast suggested cloud later in the day , and indeed it rolled in for a while . Complete with the odd snowflake and a bitter wind at Bleaklow Head .  And the ice and frozen peat as I went up reminded me you never take Bleaklow for granted as the days shorten .However , finding myself at the Wain Stones before midday , with no real inclination to indulge in an extended lunch there was certainly temptation to extend the walk .  But in the end I decided to stick with the plan , and was back in Sheffield for 3pm .Of course , if the cloud had come down , as it does quite often at this time of the year , and if the ground hadn't  frozen a bit overnight , well , then those extra 2 1/2  hours of  daylight could have been handy..............

There's a reasonable amount of parking at Doctor's Gate Culvert .
