Rodrigues Island

Date 2012-08-07
Distance 133.2 km82.8 mi
Duration 16h:42m
Photos 31

Map Explore


Chart (Mouse wheel zooms in)


Rodrigues is a delightful remote little holiday island 650 km east of
Mauritius in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Measuring only 18 km in
length and 8 km at its widest point Rodrigues is entirely surrounded by
coral reefs offering world-class diving and snorkeling.I spent almost two weeks on the island and, as seen on the last pic untitled 'Track details', the longest trip was done by motorbike (in yellow), a part was accomplished by boat (in green) to go to Cocos Island and the rest by foot. It's a nice place for hiking. One can start on the coast, catch a bus in a hamlet up in the mountain and get off at the next one to start on another trail.
